Friday 15 April 2016

Shadowhunters. Clace

At last, we got our beloved series on the screens again. All fresh and new, with whole new cast. For so long we’ve got no hope in that so for what it’s worth let’s enjoy what we have and be grateful for any opportunity to witness our favorite characters come to life. 

Yes, it’s not quite an adaptation. It doesn’t follow every line from book. But there are main events from books and there’s TMI spirit which is the most important for me. I’m okay with the changes. Most of them were for the better. Or maybe I was just desperate to watch favorite characters came to life. Who knows?

“You're pining," said Jace.
Alec shrugged. "Look who's talking. 'Oh I love her. Oh, she's my sister. Oh why, why, why—”

The main ship of all ships in this story doesn’t feel like that at all. Their story is quite rushed or it just feels that way.

 In this story all characters are older. Clary uses makeup and wears heels. She adjusts to her new Shadowhunter life and the whole thing too quickly in my opinion. Jace is looking a little bit strange to me. It seems that he is senseless soldier but he is ready to ugly cry at any moment. He is certainly a Jon Snow of this show – doesn’t know about Alec’s feelings for him, cannot see Malec interaction etc. When he found out about his parabatai feelings he tried to smooth the effect so Alec wouldn’t feel uncomfortable or hurt. Jace really cares about people who are like family to him. It’s the feature he shares with Clary. It’s a shame, that his  musician side of personality wasn’t represented.

 Although their chemistry as a couple is quite strange at the beginning they managed to work things out till the end of season. So you actually believe their kisses and stares. It’s understandable, that Jace is hugely affected by Daddy issues and he basically loses it in the season finale. Everything was well-played by Dominic.
All in all, I like how Dom and Kat represented Clace. Kat is awesome Clary, visually at least. Looks like exactly the book Clary. This variant has its right to exist. I like what they did with The Kiss. I mean, it was really beautiful both in books and movie. But this Clary is 18 yo, she is a modern young woman and has no time to waste. She sees the man she wants grabs him and kisses. You go girl. It felt right to me.
Maybe it’s just that I don’t like this ship initially. Too boring for my taste. Cannot wait for all the drama and Climon in season 2.

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