Wednesday 29 January 2014

TFIOS trailer

Today we've got a chance to watch TFIOS trailer. And I need to say that it's pretty um perfect! It is totally not centered on a cancer but on many other important things: naivity, first love and all its glory, infinity within the numbered days. And it makes a great difference because lots of people thought it would show just cancer side of a story, just a black side.
I can't wait until the movie. It promises to be so so so freaking good! This book gave me a lot. A positive spirit, a strenght to live my life to the fullest (hadn't started it yet though). Unlike the most of readers I felt SO GOOD after reading it. This is not just a sad teen romance. This book has so many layers and levels and each of it shows their story from different perspective. I hope these months will not be long and we'll soon be able to watch this (I hope) incredible movie.

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